My awakening started in the 80's when the Book Studies were covering the Revelation book. When we came to the part about this and that trumpet foreshadowing various conventions of the early JWs, I realized they were pulling that crap out of their butts and that it was all BS. I never believed they had the Truth™ after that.
Shortly thereafter, I saw an ad somewhere about "1-800-Why-1914." I called the number and had a nice but brief conversation. They recommended Ray Franz' Crisis of Conscience. I devoured a copy and never looked back. That was it for me! It didn't really tell me anything I hadn't already suspected, but it did confirm some things I'd thought all along.
Since then, my decision to leave the JWs has been confirmed and validated many times. The Borg has devolved into nothing more than a money grubbing mind-control televangelizing cult. No different than Robert Tilton, Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, Bennie Hinn, Reverend Ike, Jimmy Swaggart, and the multitude of other charlatans. Not as entertaining as some of them, but just as greedy and duplicitous. Fork 'em all!